Diamond Turned Optics
Our diamond turning experts have been making optics and mirrors for industry right here in Michigan since 1989. With several different multi-axis diamond turning machine configurations, we have the ability and expertise to bring your ideas to fruition. From the simplest plano optic to complex polynomials, we have the skills to make your project a reality.
Materials for metal diamond turned optics
Metals and Metal Platings – We typically work with nickel, aluminum, copper, Copper-Nickel (Cupronickel), brass, INVAR, stainless steel, and Moldmax®.
Materials for diamond turned plastic lenses
We also finish molded optics that require diamond turning for finishing. Typical materials for plastic optics are PMMA (acrylic), Polystyrene or Zeonex®.
Finishing Your Optic with Coating or Plating
Need your complex-shaped optic coated? Be sure to inquire about available coatings or platings for anti-reflection (AR), specific reflectivity requirements, and protection. CMM Optic would be pleased to manage this service for you.
Common Mirror Types
Our systems allow us to offer diamond turned metal, metal plating, coated optics, and some polymers for the following typical applications:
- R&D
- Industrial Lasers
- Medical Devices
- Weapon Sights
- Head Up Displays (HUD)
- Communications
- Security Systems
- Wafer Fabrication
- Space Exploration
- Surveillance Devices